Tuesday, January 27, 2009

BLSA General Meeting Tomorrow!

BLSA's general club meeting will be held tomorrow, January 28th, at noon in Bannan 137. Dean Erwin has graciously accepted our invitation to come to the meeting to talk about SCU's grading policy and to answer any questions that you might have now that most if not all of last semester's grades have now been posted. Food will also be provided, so please stop by!

If you ordered a BLSA t-shirt, please contact Maurice Poe at mpoe@scu.edu to set up a time to pick up your shirt. The cost is $15 per shirt.

Also, ATTENTION ALL 1Ls: There is a flyer attached to this email that has important information about Pacific Gas and Electric Company's Diversity Pipeline Program for first-year law school students. If you have any questions about the summer program, you can contact Asa Pittman, at apittman@scu.edu.