Thursday, October 28, 2010

Bret Harte Elementary Community Service Opportunity This Friday!

This Friday, October 29th, BLSA will once again visit San Francisco for an afternoon or laughter and mentoring with the incomparably intelligent, unbelievably talented, and impossibly adorable children of Bret Harte Elementary. We would make the case for your participation, but this kind of opportunity sells itself.

We will gather outside of Bannan Hall at noon and leave shortly after. We plan to stay at Bret Harte until about 3:30 pm, and then return to campus.

Please RSVP if you can attend.

As usual, carpooling is encouraged. If you are committed to attending and plan to drive, shoot us an email and we'll find some passengers for the ride.

For more information, contact our Community Service Coordinator, Jason de Barros,

A Conversation with Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris is the current District Attorney of San Francisco and a candidate for California Attorney General. On Thursday, October 28th, Ms. Harris will discuss law, government, and politics, with time for questions and answers afterward.

The event will take place at USF School of Law, Room 100. Food will be provided.

For more information contact Loran Simon,

First Annual Fireside Chat was a Success!

The First Annual Judge's Fireside Chat, hosted by Judge Rise Pichon and the Santa Clara County Black Lawyers Association on October 16th was a huge success!

Judges and attorneys from throughout the bay area, including many Santa Clara Law alums, enriched the SCU BLSA attendees with great stories, encouraging words, and food!

BLSA would like to thank the SCC Black Lawyers Association for inviting us to be a participate in the chat, and Judge Pichon and the attending judges and attorneys for their support.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Second General Meeting!

BLSA's Second General Meeting is this Wednesday, October 13th.
The meeting will be held in Bannan 135, from 12 pm to 1pm. Food will be provided.
Come learn about our upcoming events, including our second Throwdown Thurdsay planned for October 14th!
Hope to see you there!