Monday, November 8, 2010

Judicial Panel this Wednesday!

Attaining a judicial externship for the summer can be one of the most daunting tasks for a rising law student. APALSA is teaming up with BLSA, La Raza, PALS, VALS, SALSA, and MELSA to shed light on the externship application process. We will have a diverse panel of judges that will talk about what makes a good student application, how you can rise above the pack, and how best to plan out your legal career.

This is a wonderful opportunity since it allows students to have access to judges that are unavailable throughout the year. Light snacks and refreshments will be provided. A small meet and greet will follow the panel discussion.

The event will take place, Wednesday, November 10ht in the Wiegand Room (102) of the Arts and Sciences Building from 5 to 6.

Please RSVP by November 8th by contacting Huy Duong or Yuki Chan.

Last Meeting of the Semester!

BLSA's last meeting of the fall semester will be held this Tuesday, November 9th in Bannan 139 from 12-1 pm.
Food will be Provided!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Bret Harte Elementary Community Service Opportunity This Friday!

This Friday, October 29th, BLSA will once again visit San Francisco for an afternoon or laughter and mentoring with the incomparably intelligent, unbelievably talented, and impossibly adorable children of Bret Harte Elementary. We would make the case for your participation, but this kind of opportunity sells itself.

We will gather outside of Bannan Hall at noon and leave shortly after. We plan to stay at Bret Harte until about 3:30 pm, and then return to campus.

Please RSVP if you can attend.

As usual, carpooling is encouraged. If you are committed to attending and plan to drive, shoot us an email and we'll find some passengers for the ride.

For more information, contact our Community Service Coordinator, Jason de Barros,

A Conversation with Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris is the current District Attorney of San Francisco and a candidate for California Attorney General. On Thursday, October 28th, Ms. Harris will discuss law, government, and politics, with time for questions and answers afterward.

The event will take place at USF School of Law, Room 100. Food will be provided.

For more information contact Loran Simon,

First Annual Fireside Chat was a Success!

The First Annual Judge's Fireside Chat, hosted by Judge Rise Pichon and the Santa Clara County Black Lawyers Association on October 16th was a huge success!

Judges and attorneys from throughout the bay area, including many Santa Clara Law alums, enriched the SCU BLSA attendees with great stories, encouraging words, and food!

BLSA would like to thank the SCC Black Lawyers Association for inviting us to be a participate in the chat, and Judge Pichon and the attending judges and attorneys for their support.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Second General Meeting!

BLSA's Second General Meeting is this Wednesday, October 13th.
The meeting will be held in Bannan 135, from 12 pm to 1pm. Food will be provided.
Come learn about our upcoming events, including our second Throwdown Thurdsay planned for October 14th!
Hope to see you there!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Community Service Event at Bret Harte Elementary School

This Friday, BLSA will be hosting an outreach event at Bret Harte Elementary School. The purpose of this event is to spend time socializing with a group of students who can benefit from exposure to minorities pursuing higher education.

There are two PE classes scheduled for that day. One is from 12:45 to 1:30 pm and another from 1:45 to 2:30 pm. The plan is to interact with the students during these sessions. At 3:00 pm, students participate in Freestyle Fridays where they choose their own activities. Coach Duke, the PE instructor, has agreed to gather the students before this event so that we can introduce ourselves to the students and encourage them to pursue their education.

When: This Friday, September 24th, from 12:00 noon to no later than 3:30 pm.
Where: Bret Harte Elementary School, 1035 Gilman Ave., San Francisco, CA 94124
Directions: From SCU, take 101 North. Take exit 429B to merge onto 3rd street. Turn right at Gilman Ave.

Carpools will be meeting in the lot outside of Bannan at noon.

If you are interested in carpooling, contact our Community Service Coordinator, Jason De Barros, at

Friday, September 17, 2010

First Club Meeting Photos Are Up!

BLSA's first meeting on September 8th was a success! Thanks to everyone who came out to support the club and learn about our activities for the upcoming year!

New photos of the first meeting have been uploaded onto out Picasa account. Click on the link under the photo, or to the right of the page to view more photos from this and other events.

We hope to see you at our next meeting in October, and at our upcoming events!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Bay Area Law Schools Mixer and Happy Hour

The Black Law Students of San Francisco Law School and Hastings College of the Law are hosting the Fall Western Regional BLSA mixer and happy hour.

When: October 1, 2010 6-8 pm (no cover before 9)
Where: The 111 Mina Street Gallery, San Francisco (between Howard and Mission at 2nd Street, in SOMA, four blocks from the Montgomery Street Bart station)

All Bay Area BLSA members and their guests are welcome!

Contact the vice president of the San Francisco Law School BLSA, John O. Hurston, for more information:

Young Black Lawyers Happy Hour in San Francisco

This Wednesday, on September 15th, Young Black Lawyers will host its first monthly happy hour at 1300 Filmore in San Francisco!

Join lawyers from throughout they bay area at 1300 Filmore, a Soul Food restaurant located at 1300 Filmore, San Francisco, CA 94115.

The event runs from 5:30 to 7:30pm.

Check out the facebook page for the event here:!/group.php?gid=131954470976

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Open Positions on the BLSA Board

BLSA is currently in need of eager students (preferably upper division) to join our 2010-2011 Board. The open positions are:
  • Part Time Liason (maintain a relationship with the part time students)
  • Fundraiser (help us raise money to fund our events)

If you are interested, please email our president, Norah Alyami, at

Time Managment Workshop with Professor Hammond

The annual Time Management Workshop with Professor Hammond is here again!

Come to Bannan 139 on Saturday, September 11th to learn about how to manage your courseload, personal life, and exams!

Everyone is welcome and food will be provided.

Time: 1:30 to 3:30

Friday, September 3, 2010

Throwdown Thursday!

On Thursday, September 9th BLSA and LaRaza will be hosting a the first Throwdown Thursday event of the year at McCormick and Schmick's.

Come and meet other BLSA, La Raza, and APALSA, SALSA, and PALS members for a night of fun in Downtown San Jose.

The event will be from 6-9, here:

McCormick and Schmick's
170 South Market Street
San Jose, CA 95113

* If you want to carpool, email our Vice President Sherrett Walker at

Hope to see you there!

First Official Meeting This Week!

The first official BLSA meeting will be held this week in Bannan 135 from 12-1pm.

Please come and join use to meet the BLSA Board and get to know our members. Also, free food will be provided!

BLSA t-shirts will be on sale for five dollars during the meeting!

For those of you who met us at Club Day, or who weren't able to attend, new pictures are up! Just click on the link below the image, or to the left of the screen.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Welcome from Our President

Greetings Black Law Student Association Family and Supporters,

My name is Norah Alyami and I am honored to serve as the President of the Black Law Student Association of Santa Clara University Law School for the upcoming 2010-2011 academic year.

As a chapter of the larger Western Region and National Black Law Student Associations, our organization is formed to articulate and promote the needs and goals of black law students and effectuate change in the legal community. We strive to achieve this mission by articulating and promoting the educational, professional, political, and social needs and goals of black law students; fostering and encouraging professional competence; improving the relationship between black law students, black attorneys, and the American legal structure; and more.

The exciting array of programming this year will range from academic, social and professional events aimed to engage our students in fostering a community dedicated to instill in the black attorney and law student a greater awareness and commitment to the needs of the black community and influence the legal community by bringing about meaningful legal and political change that addresses the needs and concerns of the black community.

Our organization encourages all incoming 1Ls to participate in Parents and Partners Day on campus on August 28. Following that event, members of BLSA will carpool to a social networking event for law students hosted by the Charles Houston Bar Association. Please see

Our first general meeting will take place on campus during the lunch hour on September 8, 2010. Location is TBA. We welcome all law students of all years and all racial/ethnic backgrounds. I look forward to a productive and insightful year for Santa Clara University’s Black Law Students Association.

On behalf of the entire BLSA Board, welcome to Santa Clara University School of Law Black Law Student Association. I look forward to meeting each and every one of you this coming year.

Kindest Regards,

Norah Alyami

Santa Clara University Law School

Black Law Student Association President 2010-2011

Western Region Black Law Student Association

Convention Coordinator 2010-2011