Saturday, July 17, 2010

Welcome from Our President

Greetings Black Law Student Association Family and Supporters,

My name is Norah Alyami and I am honored to serve as the President of the Black Law Student Association of Santa Clara University Law School for the upcoming 2010-2011 academic year.

As a chapter of the larger Western Region and National Black Law Student Associations, our organization is formed to articulate and promote the needs and goals of black law students and effectuate change in the legal community. We strive to achieve this mission by articulating and promoting the educational, professional, political, and social needs and goals of black law students; fostering and encouraging professional competence; improving the relationship between black law students, black attorneys, and the American legal structure; and more.

The exciting array of programming this year will range from academic, social and professional events aimed to engage our students in fostering a community dedicated to instill in the black attorney and law student a greater awareness and commitment to the needs of the black community and influence the legal community by bringing about meaningful legal and political change that addresses the needs and concerns of the black community.

Our organization encourages all incoming 1Ls to participate in Parents and Partners Day on campus on August 28. Following that event, members of BLSA will carpool to a social networking event for law students hosted by the Charles Houston Bar Association. Please see

Our first general meeting will take place on campus during the lunch hour on September 8, 2010. Location is TBA. We welcome all law students of all years and all racial/ethnic backgrounds. I look forward to a productive and insightful year for Santa Clara University’s Black Law Students Association.

On behalf of the entire BLSA Board, welcome to Santa Clara University School of Law Black Law Student Association. I look forward to meeting each and every one of you this coming year.

Kindest Regards,

Norah Alyami

Santa Clara University Law School

Black Law Student Association President 2010-2011

Western Region Black Law Student Association

Convention Coordinator 2010-2011

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