Hello all,

First, make sure to attend our first meeting on Monday 1/23 in B241.

Upcoming Events

2/4 - BLSA/LaRaza Homecoming
Don't miss this great event, and your opportunity to do some great networking. Buy tickets at this link. BLSA members, look for news from the board about a special deal!
2/13 - Fair Trade Chocolate Event - details still working out.
2/18 - Mural Music Arts Project - A great community service event for BLSA! The Mural Music and Arts Project hosts a Black History Month event in which law students, faculty and youth do a community service project together, which is typically painting a mural of some kind.There is also usually a panel presentation for law students and youth, live entertainment, great food, and networking opportunities.
Spring semester passes quickly, and SBA wants clubs to get elections done early. If you're interested in a board position, talk to one of us to talk about the responsibilities. Also, BLSA has some budget available - let us know if you are interested in organizing an event.
See you MONDAY!!!!
Your BLSA Board,

Co-President- Jasmine Walker
Co-President- Sherrett Walker
Vice-President - Haris McKinley
Treasurer- Antonio Raymo
Secretary- George Atkins
Historian- Shayla Jackson
Community Service Coordinator- Jason de Barros
Social Chair - Isabella Shin